Monday, 23 April 2012

Curry, Prog and Progress.

Once again I've managed to go months without updating this blog so it's time to redress that.

The new album is going well, and I'm hoping to get it released this year.  It's called 'The Man Left in Space' and in typical Cosmograf fashion is another concept piece.

I've been blessed once again in my quest to work with some fabulous people including Nick D'Virgilio who did a storming drum session for 4 of the tracks.   I've also had the great pleasure of meeting and spending some time with Andy Poole and Greg Spawton of Big Big Train.  They are wonderful guys as well as being obscenely talented and we seem to have found common ground in a number of areas as well as prog, including a shared love of fine Indian cuisine!  Curry and prog seem to be happy bedfellows.   Their work on the forthcoming English Electric album is at times beyond comprehension. The complexity, and macro level of their craft produces the finest audio silk that is so rich and interleaved, it's hard to fathom from what constituent parts it came from.  The wonderful Rob Aubrey is mixing it all at the moment and with reports of 56 tracks of BVs on a single song he has his work cut out.   I have no doubt it will easily be widely considered album of the year when the first volume is released in September 2012.

Guest wise, on the new Cosmograf album there will be some familiar names and some new ones too.  As well as NDV, we have me old mucker Steve Dunn who will be attending to bass duties on 'Aspire,Achieve' and Simon Rogers has agreed once again to co write another track with me.  Lee Abraham will doubtless be lending some input if I can prise him away from recording his much anticipated follow up to 'Black and White' and Matt Stevens is also guesting which I'm thrilled about. Matt is a force to be reckoned with at the moment and really seems to have caught a current wave with his work on The Fierce and the Dead.  He's already recorded some very atmospheric guitar for an as yet unnamed track, which is also currently receiving some bass attention from Greg and Andy.  More news on this soon..

1 comment:

  1. Hoping to work on your track real soon Rob - it's brilliant!
